It’s ok to be NOT ok!
They say that behind a smiling face, hides a tragedy. The people who are going through hard times, or have gone through hard times, learn how to hide the pain and suffering better than anyone else. Does this mean that there is only pain and suffering on this earth? Is everyone suffering?
No, it isn’t.
I agree that life is not all sunshine and roses, but life is also not all darkness and thorns. There is a fine line between happiness and sadness, which has started blurring faster than we imagined in this age and day.
Mental health is a sensitive issue, and it is a real thing. If you are one of those who think that men don’t feel pain or women overreact at the slightest hint of pain or danger, then please get back to your cave, you don’t belong here anymore.
What is Mental Health
Mental Health is the complete health of your mind, soul, and body. Social and psychological well-being is of prime importance for any human being to lead a fulfilling life. Any disturbance in the harmony of mind, body, and soul is a trigger to mental health problems which is now a very common phenomenon (because people have now started speaking about it; it has been there forever!).
Our mind is a powerful machine that enables us to lead a life we desire. Mental health issues creep up very easily and without any warning, and the most resilient of us face these issues comfortably. The lesser powerful minds tend to give in to these issues and sometimes, reach a point of no return.
Why lesser powerful minds?
Our minds are conditioned by our upbringing, our education, our experiences as kids, as adults, trauma, accidents, or any related out-of-place experience that forces us to start wondering about the darker sides of life and this world. As growing up is a continuous process until death, people who are resilient enough to not let negative experiences affect them, come out as survivors. Those who cannot, become a victim of their own thoughts and slowly inch away from their real persona and eventually positivity, with every passing day.
Understanding mental health issues in simple terms
Have you ever wondered why the couple in the neighborhood is fighting every evening? Or that grumpy colleague at work who seems to be dissatisfied with people and life in general? Or a teenage girl with earphones on, staring listlessly at whatever? Or an old man taking a walk in the evening all burnt out and wrinkled?
Those are mental health victims right there, hiding in plain sight.
Mental health issues are subtle, and they escalate in unimaginable proportions if not taken care of. As an individual, it is our responsibility to stay as positive as possible, and as healthy as possible for the sake of our loved ones. As social beings, it is our responsibility to take care of our fellow humans, not just physically, but emotionally as well.
It is fairly easy to understand that everyone is effed up, but the people who perform better in life just hide it better that’s all.
And most importantly, they know what it feels like to be alone, in a dark place with their backs against the wall.
Why do people with mental health issues need help?
If you think that you have problems of your own and can do nothing to help those in need of help, think again. People with mental health issues do not need medical attention and care most of the time. It is not a physiological condition. It is a psychological condition, and a psychological problem can only be resolved with the help of therapy.
(It is true that most of the time, mental health patients DO need medical attention to keep their bodies in a healthy, survivable condition. But the problem is way deeper than physiology. Just to clarify.)
So they need therapy, and I am not qualified, so how in the world can I help them?
Talk to them.
It’s as simple as that.
People with mental health issues need more attention and care than a normal individual would. An individual of any age group can fall victim, and all they need is someone to talk to them to find out what is going on.
Utmost care should be taken to NOT judge them. They are human beings, and as much weird as their problem may sound to you, do not judge them. Stay neutral, try to listen if you have got nothing to say, and keep listening until one day they start believing in themselves.
Final thoughts
I have been meaning to write on this one for a long time, but it is really difficult to explore each and everything related to mental health and issues.
This is a sensitive topic, and I finally decided to write about it because somewhere in life, we have all been there. We have all had our share of pain, but Life is never unfair.
I am not a qualified therapist or a medical health provider or professional to deal with mental health issues, but I do understand that talking to people and doing something as simple as putting a smile on their faces with your kind words can go a long way in improving their life.
“Always stay strong, you don’t know who is looking up to you!”

I have tried my best to respect the sensitivity of this topic, apologies if I missed something or if you don’t agree with some of it or the whole of it! All suggestions and positive criticism welcome